#scp 6659
aleph-trix · 2 months
small bit of admonition fanart
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I might make an inked version perhaps. Anyways yeh!!
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dino--draws · 2 months
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SUMMARY: Misuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (TRANSCENDENCE). Repair to local Noöspheric Rhizome in-progress.
me when I Look at You. me when the fingers,,,,,,,,
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amamy992 · 1 year
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SCP-6820 TERMINATION ATTEMPT Author: Placeholder McD, Liryn, stephlynch ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820
SCP-6747 CHAOS THEORY Author: Placeholder McD, Liryn, Ralliston, stephlynch ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6747
SCP-6659 METAGNOSTIC Author: Placeholder McD, Liryn, DodoDevil ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6659
SCP-6488 EIGHTH COMMANDMENT Author: Placeholder McD, Jack Ike, Liryn ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6488
SCP Logo Author: Aelanna ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/dr-mackenzie-s-sketchbook
ADMONITION ▼ https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/admonition
▼This work is licensed under Creative Commons
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zahrlandsollies · 9 months
Zahr, hi, again, on SCP #6659, incredibly hectic, huh?
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zal-cryptid · 2 years
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dino--draws · 3 months
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I just think its rreeealll funny that the mad scientist character chose to elevate Prometheus as the God of Human Progress. I think he should start watching out for eagles.
Can you tell this shit is rewiring my brain. can you tell. can you see how normal i am.
Background on its own below the cut because I'm damn proud of it
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aleph-trix · 2 months
Pataphysical Interpretation of the Noosphere - a small SCP Foundation ramble/thought exercise
If you’ve delved deep into the articles and pages of the SCP Wiki, you are most likely familiar with several concepts that have been created as the site progressed and are the basis of a more modern way interactions with the anomalous are presented in various stories and articles. Before, anomalies were presented from the viewpoint of the Foundation’s baseline science. Now, the Foundation has created new anomalous sciences and terminology to properly understand anomalies and their interactions. Akiva radiation, thaumaturgy, EVE etc.
One of these new terminology is the noosphere. Now the noosphere is not a strictly SCP-exclusive concept. It was created by a biogeochemist and a priest/philosopher to describe what they called “the planetary sphere of reason”. In the SCP Wiki, the concept was introduced through the Antimemetics Division set of series: being used in the way it is now first in SCP-2111 and becoming integral to later interpretations of SCP-3125. So what exactly is the Noosphere? There are a lot of answers but SCP-6659, has in my opinion, the most clear cut answer: the Noosphere is a plane of existence embodying abstract human thought. Most of the time it seems less to be psychological in nature and rather more metaphysical in nature relating to memetics and antimemetics. It is inhabited by various constructs and concepts, often memetic in nature with some being embodied and personified through deities, manifestations and totems.
Dialing back a bit here, pataphysics is another anomalous science-related term. It refers to an anomalous science that focuses primarily on the fictionality of the SCP universe from the perspective of its characters, often it focuses on stuff such as narrative layers as well as components of narratives and how they emerge in a scientific presentation from the perspective of those within the narrative. Usually, it is essentially metafiction.
What this ramble is about, and this is just my interpretation mind you (there is no correct interpretation or headcanon to the SCPverse), is a way in which these two concepts intercept.
Memes are often considered base units of culture or information, the same way genes are base units of biological information. But there exist other base units of information within other disciplines. Particularly, narremes which are the base unit of narratives.
If the noopshere is the realm of memetic constructs and concepts such as pain, chaos or life and it exists within a universe that is in fact a narrative then what if the noosphere is a reflection of that narrative’s conceptual abstract state?
To communicate this idea more clearly: narratives and stories often have themes which are usually related to concepts and ideas. These can be represented in the story through characters, themes, events, groups etc.
In Chaos Theory (SCP-6747), we learn about pataphysical particles and how they link and interact together to create narratives and as such. What if the noosphere is a medium for thematic narratives to emerge by taking abstract ideas and concepts and constructing narratives out of them, influencing the people and settings in them.
In this interpretation, the noosphere could be seen as an abstraction of the narrative. A conceptual, lesser form of it.
This entire ramble was just formed from my weird thoughts and I could’ve definitely misinterpreted a lot of things I’ve read from articles but hey you win some, you lose some. I mainly just wanted to make this so I could look at it later if I ever wanted inspiration for my own stories
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aleph-trix · 3 months
humanisation of scp-3125 I drew…. But that’s not all!
minor spoilers for there is no antimemetics division, admonition and scp-6500 under the image
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okay okay so I’ve had this design for a humanoid version of 3125 for a while now but I’ve also developed a few neat little ideas for why 3125 would be like this.
so in metagnostic/scp-6659, we learn that gods are noospheric constructs shaped by human worship and that scp-3125 is like a sort of limb protruding from an entity from outside the human noosphere into our own noosphere. a headcanon/interpretation ive developed out of this which may not necessarily be correct is that constants such as scp-3125 are not created by human worship but instead molded by it. so what does this have to do with the two other things I said there’d be spoilers for?
in the there is no antimemetics division series, 3125 is described as something that is repeatedly discovered by anyone pursuing the field of antimemetics before it either swallows them whole or an antimemetic bomb or something equivalent to it wipes out the team’s memory. in that series, 3125 is described as a problem that humans keep coming back to over and over again.
for one this means that 3125 has been plaguing humanity for all of history devouring or causing antimemeticists to blow themselves up metaphorically. but another thing I’d like to bring attention to is the way 3125 is portrayed. It’s associated with starfishes and the number 5, but why is it like that? why would this chaotic memeplex eldritch being be associated with those ideas? I believe it’s because of how humans have portrayed it throughout history, the same way humans create gods through worship as described in metagnostic, 3125 is molded by human perception of it. But it doesn’t just get molded, it straight up subsumes whatever concepts humans associate it with into itself.
so how does all of this relate to my humanoid design of it. well my headcanon is that there was in fact an antimemetics division equivalent in the ancient sherden civilisation (a civilisation described in scp-6500’s reliquarian story as having created several anti-impasse artifacts) and that they ended up discovering 3125 and portraying it as an aquatic-like starfish humanoid deity (a negative one though, like I could imagine that 3125 would be sorta like tartarus (the embodiment not the place) of sherden mythology) as opposed to their animal deities which they worshipped. I mainly just shoeroped in this connection because I really like what scp-6500 did with the idea of the “sea people” and I’m sad it isn’t elaborated more on in scps.
anyways yeah this humanoid design for 3125 I made is basically the Sherden mythology’s depiction of 3125
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zal-cryptid · 2 years
i'd love to see more of your interpretation of scp 6001's separate parts.
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It's my own little headcanon that the people carrying the skeleton of Anantashesha are related to the Disciples of the Unseen/Homo sapiens invisibili mentioned in SCP-6659.
I'll definitely do some more if that's what y'all are interested in. Maybe even my interpretation of SCPs that don't appear in 6001
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